Cool Breeze
In Africa, a gin and tonic is invariably called a 'sundowner'. After a sun-drenched day, a gin and tonic is the best medicine against thirst. But even when the sun is not shining, this bittersweet drink is a great aperitif. It is easy to make and always a hit. We make this GT with Mokum Dusk Cool Blend, tonic, fresh mint and lemon.
- Balloon glass or long drink
- Barmaatje
- Bar spoon or long spoon
- Sharp knife
- Ice cubes
- 50 ml Mokum Dusk Cool Blend
- 150 ml Premium Tonic Water
- Fresh mint
- Fresh lemon
- Put the GT glass in the freezer (5 minutes) or spoon in some ice cubes to pre-cool (stir the ice cubes for 8-10 seconds for faster cooling);
- Remove the GT glass from the freezer or remove any melting water from the ice cubes;
- Fill the bar measure with 50 ml Mokum Dusk Cool Blend and carefully pour it over the ice;
- Pour in 150 ml of premium tonic water (or 100 ml for a stronger variant);
- Stir the ice cream and the ingredients gently (8-10 seconds);
- Garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of lemon.